Monday, March 29, 2010

29 March - Houston

Hey fam!
This week has been good. The new cool thing that happened this week was we got to go to the Houston Temple this week as a mission! wooo. All 150 of us missionaries got to go. It was funny we were taking out mission picture with 75 of the missionaries and there was a wedding going on. The groomsman came over and asked if after we were done with our pictures if he and his bride could take a picture with us. President said it was ok and so after the picture the bride and groom came in the middle of everyone. So, we were taking pictures and the picture guy said ok everyone look at the bride and groom. so we looked and all of the sudden they kissed! and everyone was like WOOOOOOOOOOOOO hahahahaa it was funny! It is a pretty cool looking temple and it was nice to go to the temple.

The other elders in my district had 2 baptisms, so our district is doing very well this transfer with 4 total baptisms. I am already a third of the way done with my mission meaning that I am a third of the way fluent in spanish and a third of the way "trunky" hahah the other day a member asked me how long I had been out and I told him 8 months and he freaked out because he thought I had been out for over a year hahaha. It was so funny. He was like No CREO NO CREO hahahahah.

I like this place more than Galveston, the city ROCKS WOOO. They got cool live bands at restaurants and the other day the little kids were dancing in front of the band hahaha

Besides that things are great! The other Elders in our district had 2 baptisms this week so things are going very well for our district. I am excited to be a missionary and I like it out here.
We have been running out of miles this week (on their weekly allowance of miles for the car) so we have had to go out on the bikes again! yay! The bikes are fun I think we are going to go out on them more next month!

Well have a good week everyone!
-Elder Johnson

Thanks for everything!

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