Tuesday, May 31, 2011

31 May—Brazos

Hello family!

Things here in Rosenberg are going well! Elder Garrido and I continue to work, find and teach. The thing that I have loved more than anything from my mission is learning to study the scriptures. I love doing topic studies, and they say we need to follow the spirit while we teach people, but I truly feel we can apply that to our own personal studies. That while we study we listen to our hearts, and we ask the question of what would God have me learn today. Or what would God have me do to be a better person, and we study it. This is a personal example of what I mean. About a month and a half ago, I really felt in my soul that I needed to re-study the mighty change of heart, and while I studied that, it took me to different topics, like the sacrament, our covenants, the spirit, and pride. And I just enjoyed linking them all together, trying to figure out how they apply to each other and running with it. Just this week, I moved on to something different. But this is the key to it all. You need to write what you are learning down in a study journal. Otherwise the Lord will not reveal things as easily, and I feel it is because we will end up forgetting it all. There is a scripture in D&C that says in times past your mind has been darkened because you have taken lightly the things you have received (something like that). I know that a study journal will help us receive more light.

Right now I am studying the priesthood and it has just been awesome. I have realized that pride and the priesthood really go together. That if we have pride, we will not have priesthood power. I still have a lot to learn and I am excited to study it for a few more weeks.

I hope that everything is going well with the family, and congrats on the baby blessing Cheryl and Tyler!

Have a great week!
-Elder Johnson

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

16 May—Brazos

Hi family and friends-

This week was a good week for Elder Garrido and I. We had a chance to find some new people. We have a companionship goal to find a new investigator who has desires to really change, someone with real intent, every week. That way by the end of the transfer, we will have a lot of people to work with who are really progressing.

I really don't know what to say about what's going on. Elder Garrido and I hope to have a big week at church this next Sunday. We have five potential people who are just super awesome who we have been working with, and we really hope to see them get baptized one day.

The Sister missionaries in the branch had two baptisms last week. The first one that the branch has had in a few months, and the branch was really happy and excited about it. I was asked to sing a solo at the baptism. I did, and it was the first one I have ever done. It turns out that I actually really liked it. I am thinking about telling President Puig (Branch President) that if he ever wants me to sing during sacrament that I would be happy to do it.

I have really been enjoying the change of heart study again, to help me weed out any laziness and to help me refocus on everything. That study is so cool. Mosiah 5 is so awesome! I really love studying the scriptures and starting my day with reading. So, if you are not studying them you better blow the dust off your scriptures and dive in deep.

Oh, my I almost forgot about the biggest news in history. My trainer, Elder Roberts, he has been home for over a year, and it turns out he is getting married on August 5, and he wrote me a letter and wants to to be a groomsmen!! So, that is only nine days after I get home and I told him that I am going to go!! So, I don't know if that changes any of my family's plans, but I love Elder Roberts, so I have got to go to his wedding. I have to be there to support him. I am going to have him call you (Mom and Dad) this week so that he can give you some details. He lives in Northern California.

I love you all!
Elder Johnson

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day 2011, Last Phone Call Home

Hey family!

It was really great to be able to talk with you on the phone! I don't really know what to say today, besides I love you all! We have a great family and I am really grateful for each and everyone of you. Mom Dad, sisters and brothers. Man, I got the coolest brothers-in-law, and the coolest sisters that anyone could ever want!

I love you and have a great day!
-Elder Johnson

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

2 May—Brazos

Hey Family and Friends!

Things here in Rosenburg, Texas have been going great! We had transfer calls this morning, and it looks like I am staying in Brazos. That means that I will probably end up spending the rest of my mission here. I have really liked the challenge. The mission is to get some baptisms here in Rosenburg, and hopefully this will be the month it happens. We are really excited because the Sister Missionaries should be baptizing two or three people this month. I really hope that our buddy Richard will decide to be baptized as well!

My companion Elder Bunch is getting transfered so we will see who I get next. He has been a good companion, and has helped me get back into the groove of planning well. He is a great missionary and isn't afraid to talk to anyone. It was great to be with him. I think we cancelled out each others' weaknesses with our strengths. So, that was a cool experience.

I think it is really funny how at the end of your mission all of your stuff falls apart. I have had to get new shoes, because both of my shoes have holes in the bottom of them. I need a new backpack, because there are two big holes in the bottom of it, and the strap is halfway torn off. And my bike, there are only three gears that work (Gears 12, 21 and 24). It is fine though, because that is all I need to get around. I guess that's what happens when you get a used bike at the beginning of your mission.
I was writing in my journal the other night, and I realized how cool it is to be a missionary! It is a once in a lifetime opportunity to serve the Lord! This is probably going to be one of the few times in my life when I will be able to do this everyday. And I love it. I love getting shut down; I love getting let in by someone; I love teaching the gospel, and I love seeing people get baptized. This is awesome! I decided to study the mighty change of heart again, so I can be on the spiritual boom at the end of the mission and not go down the drain.

Thanks for the great letters, and I hope that everyone of you is enjoying life!
-Elder Johnson