Tuesday, May 18, 2010

May 17 - Houston

Hey family and friends,

This week has been a good week. I don't know if I told you about the bike challenge that we are on for this month. But we were challenged to park the cars for a month and to take the bikes out. Well it was going good and I was enjoying riding the bikes, but this week was a little harder to do it because it dumped rain. I don't know if you have seen it rain in Texas before, but it is crazy, but cool at the same time. For example, the thunder was so loud that it made car alarms go off. :)

Anyway, Elder Cole and I are having a good time working hard. We had a great week with 24 sitdown lessons (Kobe, go lakers) and it was a great week. We are seeing the blessings of the Lord through obedience and diligence.

I would like to give a public apology for not writing anyone letters for the past month or two. things have been really busy and there is barely enough time to get the laundry done on P-days. So all my friends at BYU you are all still awesome! Also, family I hope you understand.
Well I have to get going!

Love ya all!

-Elder Johnson

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